We made her a Valentine box and some Valentines for her classmates
She's my little rock star!!
This weekend is Valentine's day, which normally I could care less about, but this year Stella is a little more into it. We just made her a little box to hold her Valentines in, and she (I) made some Valentines for everyone in her class. So cute!! She is really into the glitter and candy... and so am I! I am going to clean up on the sale candy after V Day for her birthday party! My sister and I came up with a theme for the party... Peace, Love, and CANDY! We are going to do tie dye, bright colors, and peace signs along with the candy bar. I think it will be really cute. We just have to get through this holiday! I am really excited because this weekend Taylor and I are going to Kansas City for a date! We are staying downtown at this little boutique hotel, and having dinner at this awesome restaurant, and we are going to drink some good wine! And shop! Hurray! I can't wait to get out of town, if even for one night. I am looking forward to spending some time with my husband, baby-free. And Stella will be out at Tay's momma's, playing on the farm! It is going to be great! I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

i love the rock star ensemble and the valentine stuff is SO cute! You did a wonderful job!... HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY STELLA!
And have fun on your date in Kansas City!... that should be fun.
she always looks so stinkin cute!!!
happy valentine's! great idea for the party! i love tie dye & candy! have fun this weekend (jealous)!
TAYLOR! Those valentines are SO cute! I love you guys soo much! =) Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentine's day. Have a great date! Very jealous.
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