Well, last night was one of the worst nights of my life. Taylor has been out of town in Vail, so I have been by myself the last few nights. After I picked Stella up from school we went home and as soon as we got there, she went over to the fireplace and pulled on the newly-hung stockings. We don't have hooks, we had metal weights that sat on top of the mantel. SO... that thing came flying down and hit her right between the eye and her nose. She was hysterical and there was blood gushing everywhere, and all in her eye. I was freaking out. I called Taylor and he called everyone to come help me. I got her in the car and drove to the emergency room. When I got there, Brett was there waiting, and my mom, dad, and Cameron came, as well as Kathy, Al, and Addie and Lynne. Everyone was so worried. They could barely get her vitals, she was so upset. They finally got us a room and had to put all these probes on her and give her a shot to put her into 'twilight' sleep. It was the hardest thing to watch her fight going under. Dr. Holden gave her three teeny stitches by her eye and said she would heal up great, no eye problems at all. Thank God! I almost passed out when they were stitching.. I thought I could be tough for my baby but it all hit me at once. Then we had to wait for her to wake up... it was so sad, she was like a little rag doll. I honestly don't think she opened her eyes until 8 this morning. We ended up at the E.R. for 5 hours... it was a long, exhausting night. She is doing so good this morning, we are at home relaxing, coloring and snacking. Hopefully we will be back to normal again soon!! Thanks to everyone for checking on her... she is a very lucky girl to have so many people who love her!
Stranger Things Birthday Party
2 years ago
Hey gal! I just talked to chris and heard what happened! We too were in the ER this weekend with "twilight" and stitches but to Zach's finger. 8 hours of panic for me. Hope you guys are ok. I wanted to call, but thought i would start here to say i am so sorry!
OMG, Taylor! I am so sorry! I bet you were so scared! Tanner called this morning to reschedule my appointment, but I had NO idea it was this bad! Uugh! I hope she gets to feeling better soon! I'll see you Thursday.
I think I left my comment about Stella on your Thanksgiving Feast pictures...Loves
Oh poor baby!! I am so sorry. I am glad to hear all is better. I am very proud of you handling it all. I would have fallen apart. I will say a little prayer for Miss Stella!!
Hey there - Chris told us too...you know that Cooper got stitches on his left eye 2 months ago - same type of traumatic deal at ER. Check out our blog to see old pics and how well it has healed up!!! Take care and give Stella plenty of TLC! - Sarah
oops - our blog is Cooperclarkfam.blogspot
Those pics made me hurt for Stella!!! So glad she is okay!! What great friends and family to be there for you!!
oh taylor!!!!!!! i know mommma and baby need a hug after that! ouch! i am so sorry!
That sounds SO scary! I have major anxiety regarding eye and mouth injuries... so this would have traumatized me! I am glad Stella seems to be doing alright and it seems like you handled it very well too! Good luck on the recovery, I am sure it will heal well and Stella will be as beautiful as ever!
OMG I am so sorry!!!!!! Please let me know if I can do anything for you both.
Taylor!! I saw Chris last night and he was telling me all about Stella's accident!!! How scary right there by her eye!! Hope she is feeling better--and you too!!:)
oh my gosh taylor, i am so sorry that happened! Those pictures make me so sad for her. If you two need anything let me know!!!
Taylor!!!!!!! i can only imagine how scared you were! I hope that little eye gets better soon!
Hey Tay. Momma called and told me. She said Aunt Sherry called her and cried when she was talking about it. The whole experience sounds traumatic! I love you guys! Give Stella a hug and kiss and nuzzles for me. How does that black eye look now? Keep us updated on the recovery.
I worry about those heavy stocking holders all the time! So scary. Hope she is feeling ok! :(
Funny how Chris was a major contributor in getting the word out for you!!
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