Monday, January 19, 2009

She's Getting So Big!

Looking glamorous on the way to Grammy's house....

....and being a country girl when she got there!

We have really been working on the potty training, and I think it is starting to pay off. We "bribe" her with stickers, and she has a baby alive doll that actually pees in the potty.  Sick, I know, but I think it really works! She gets jealous of baby alive and wants to show her up, so she has to go before baby goes.  We went flea marketing on Sunday and accidentally left the diaper bag in the other car.  We were looking around when Stella said she needed to go potty.  She said, "Change it" but I told her that we didn't have any diapers, she had to be a big girl and go in the potty.  She said, "ok." So we went into this random bathroom and I sat her on the potty, and.... SHE WENT!  Yes! Then she was about asleep tonight and sat up and told me she needed to go potty.  We went in there and she went potty! The second time today!! I am so amazed at her.  I am hoping we can keep this up! If anyone has any other good tips to get this training going then let me know!  Hopefully I will be saying goodbye to diapers sometime soon!!


Anonymous said...

ahh i'm so proud!

Melissa said...

Awesome! Good for Stella!... Hayden goes between 2-4 times a day... most of it is still initiated by me or Randy though... occassionally he will say he has to go; however, that is rare.


WOOO HOO!!! Congrats! Sounds like you guys are doing awesome and dont need much advice at all! The most important lesson I learned came at the very end of training...give up on Pull Ups as soon as you she can...they are a terrible crutch (and most of my friends had a similar experience) and once those are gone, so much you can tell by her experience when you had no diapers! What a cool milestone! Great work to ALL of you!

alyssa said...

I have visited your blog a couple of times from another....anyways, your daughter is such a diva! I just love it!

taylor said...

YEA!!!...she's such a big girl! I miss her :(

Tara Gibson said...

such a big girl! Love those pictures!!!